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I'm at work and I'm writing. I haven't slept in what feels like 3 days. I have, but very little. A day is manageable, but 2 nights in a row of little sleep, it catches up. I am exhausted, run down, and I can't see straight or focus. Unfortunately, when I am run down, I usually get sick. I feel my body making an attempt, but if I don't get sleep, I will get sick. I'm loopy, so here I write instead of work.

Here I write at work. I write when more important things are at hand and I write incoherently and inconsistently and I write and write and write and write and write. Because I have to.

Because I am a jelly donut. As JFK may or may not have said in Berlin. Because all those kids, they'll be done for, finished, they'll have nothing to live for as Townshend said. 

And because typing anything, at work, makes you look like you're doing something.