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**This is not a chapter, merely an update.**

            I haven't been writing here per say, nor do I advertise this bit of the site and as little as I even advertise the site, this gets zero attention. 

     BUT I am writing in my head and every day I jot down ideas for progressing the story. I hope to have a majority of it done before the end of the year. But as it is, my life is in a hectic place and I have little mental space for sitting and writing with a clear head. As it's always been, I write best when I'm supposed to be focusing on something else, mostly work. Which is awesome,  but not for work. I find myself screwing off and attempting to open this site and write write write. I'm constantly adding new ideas for bits and pieces in my phone in notes. Every day during the week comes at least two more pieces or chapter ideas. The story arch, pieces of conversation, problems the character encounters. As well as building my own life into it.

         Which is another thing. I'm in an incredible point in life regarding this story I never thought I'd encounter but now I'm building into the story. I've gotten a job and I'm borrowing a car so I can't lyft at all. But i'm building it in. But as it goes with putting too much of yourself in the story, there's a fine line. You can't cross it or else it becomes too self-indulgent and pretentious. BUT, that being said, as I am using my own life to build the story, as these things are best written, I have to live it first. I'm currently in the thick of it, so it's tough to spend the  time writing it as I'm emotionally focused on living it, and no time to write until I'm on the other end. I also have an incredible procrastination problem.

The only reason I get anything out in the Verbal Vomit section or on the blog is because an idea attacks my brain RIGHT THERE, and I have the means to sit and type it out as the thoughts come into my brain. It's easy for me to jot down 20 ideas for posts that strike me to write later, but near impossible for me to acquire the discipline to sit down later and hash out where my thought process was when i had the initial idea. So they all go unused and wasted until or if I have the idea again and inspiration to expel my brains onto the digital page again. So in that respect, it's incredibly hard.

     But despite my downfalls with creativity, I have other things in my wheelhouse now. I very much want to write a book for one. Second is I feel the stories I've experienced I'm going to put in the book are worth telling and too good to go to waste. Third, many of the other forms of expression I have are being suffocated right now. I can't write easily on my acoustic, electric, or piano these days. My living situation won't allow it and it's getting too cold to park somewhere. Besides, i'm borrowing a car at the moment. So writing is becoming more the means to express these days. Fourth, the way in which I want to now write it is instilled in me. Bukowski's novels are written in a very clever way which comes natural to how my brain works. As in, it's all over the fucking place and short, brief chapters are key. Snippets, vignettes into this guy's life instead of trying to focus on maintaining continuity and a solid story line from beginning to end. i tend to think of the end, then a middle bit, then go back to tweaking the end. etc until I realize it's impossible for me to figure out how the fuck to start it and give up from being overwhelmed. 

       But it's on the way. It's a goal for 2018. It's going to take a while, but it'll come.