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I notice

You, clutching your computer to your chest as you walk briskly to wherever it may be, with purpose. But with a hurried and anxious pace as well. You laugh easily, almost too easily. It's contagious. That sound. You're very guarded, quick to snap at somebody you won't let in when a shot is taken. You won't let anybody in. There's much more to you than meets the eye. I am so very curious.  

        There seems to be a deeper sadness inside. Something is up and I want in. You seem real. Deeper than the boring soul sucking nature of a lot of folks around. Not all, but most. They're all a bore. You seem to be experiencing some sort of pain you hide. I see through it though. I don't know what it is, but you're thinly veiled, it's a weak facade. It seems as though at the first moment of intimate conversation it could crumble and fall. Perhaps it's only my flawed curiosity. Very flawed and damaged. You're self conscious and defensive about it. But you also own it at the same time. It's a fine line you waltz. 

         But perhaps I'm only projecting all this on to you. I tend to do that. Everyone does that. Most people do that. It's infatuation. Before someone knows another, they imagine what that relationship might be like. Naturally, we make up everything as we truly don't know them inside. So we create a perfect world of sorts. We don't take into account ourselves and our own flaws and we downplay all our damaged selves and how it might never work out ever because of it. But on the other hand, we go ALL the way in that way too. From imagining a life together, to saying, "I'm too fucked up anyway for that to even work out." We would sell ourselves short before it even began, before we even try. I don't know which is worse. 

           On the other hand, you may be as boring as you seem some time.