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I'm currently listening to a podcast about Letterpress printing. It's currently and suddenly a goal to reach. a "Some day." goal. Whatever you call that. Black Sparrow printed on Letterpress in the late sixties into the 90's when people were throwing all that stuff out for easier ways. It's complicated, Letterpress. It also seems like Letterpress books are always paired with the type of artwork I really love and want for my own. On this milky, old-school, tan-like natural cover with a simple but provoking design with flat colors. Most likely a product of the specific type of printing, at least on the cover. 

         It'll be what I strive for. You can find places that'll do it for you, but to self-publish ON Letterpress would be immensely expensive. So someday. I'm okay with self-publishing, but for anything more in terms of printing quality, I'll need to be selling some books and making some money.

      I've been chomping at the bit for my proof to arrive. It should be at the apartment when I come home Friday. I might take the day off to visit my old friends at Edgewood. I don't know yet, but until then when I get it in my hands to look over, I am stuck here in Limbo. Then of course if something is wrong, the whole proofing process starts over. But here's hoping the book looks okay.