New things, oral pain and otherness
Turning this shit storm around into an extreme diarrhea evacuation of art and pretentious expression. BAM here we go.
1. New record(s) coming out. Yes plural. When? soon. Downloadable. More news soon on that. But close.
2. Podcast idea is now coming into itself. There will be official details on that soon.
3. As these things go. It seems I'm having severe pain in the mouth. Very real stuff. When I was 18 I got a consultation to get my wisdom teeth out. My mom looked at me standing at the window to schedule the surgery and asked, "Does it hurt right now?" I said no. That was 7 years ago. Almost every day for the last 4 or 5 I have despised that decision. Every morning I bleed in the sink. I can't remember when I didn't. No matter how hard or not I brush, no matter how much I floss or eat less crap. I wake up and bleed. It's horrendous. But part of my life now.
For about 3-4 days every month for the last 7 years, I live in severe discomfort as my wisdom teeth begin to shift, push, tilt, push, cut, bleed, hurt, damage, you name it. They're in and are nearly 90 degrees one way or the other, but they are anything but straight. I have learned to deal with it and simply don't do much those days in terms of talking or singing. I slur usually. I wake up with the sides of my cheeks cut up and I end up biting my lips, cheeks and other insides of my mouth. The pain usually subsides and I go on with my life. But this time it's severe and causing headaches.
To boot, I think i've got a cyst or some sort of saliva calcified under my tongue (whatever the case I looked up possible causes) I have what feels like a deep cut at the bottom of the underside of my tongue. After 2 days I realize it's not a cut. Holy shit does all this together hurt. It terrifies me that it's all connected. Wisdom teeth can impact, roots set in and serious more threatening surgery is needed in those cases. This cyst thing along with the headache and pressure-wisdom tooth pain together makes it almost impossible to eat. When I do i'm writhing in pain. whenever any substance hits the underside of my mouth i tear up. It's fucking painful.
All this bitching aside, I'm a grown man without insurance of any kind so that's nice. My point is, this makes it difficult to sing so recording is either going to be postponed, or recorded post haste. Perhaps I'm dying of a tumor in my head somewhere and my body is telling me to get this thing out before I die in my sleep.
Forgot where the rest of this was going. I'm going on 5 hours of sleep right now. I'm off to the great slumbering skies of the pre-death state known as sleep. Off to the races. Until tomorrow friends. Race trains, don't take any shit, but don't give any to anyone either.