Podcast update - 180° 0- Super Super 8
The Super Super 8 podcast. It’s a thing. I’ve started it, it’s out, it’s up and live anywhere you listen to podcasts. Google podcasts, spotify, apple podcasts? And other random places.
It’s about all things film. Like FILM film. Analog rather than digital. It’s primarily about the film renaissance and more specifically, super 8 and all things motion picture/ movie film. BOOM. I’ve got a few episodes up, and a few in the can waiting for edit/upload and a few future episode ideas on deck.
Why? Simply because it’s easy and simple and I can do it myself. It’s still frightening to me, but it’s easier than my previous idea. I might still have the other one for music, but it seemed too daunting to me and it didn’t seem sustainable to me. It would always be more of me alone, griping. I don’t have my finger on the pulse of the music scene, or local music scene. The things I am exposed to, I’m not interested in. Hardcore screamo and metal, noise-core? I don’t know what’s happening. It’s all viable, but it’s not something I care to work at. Venues around me are closing literally as I write this. It’s crazy.
I’m much more interested right now in the film community and everything associated with it. Stores, resources, other podcasts, techniques, equipment, all of that stuff added with my own experiences and failures and endeavors. I find it easier to talk about even though I’m just starting it off. I primarily started it because in the resurgence of film in all it’s forms over the past few years I noticed a gap in podcasts dedicated to consumer/ prosumer motion picture film, IE 16mm and Super 8 in all it’s forms. I also talk about still photography, as I shoot more of it than anything as it’s cheaper, but I’m gearing up towards shoot more movie film. It’s more expensive, much more actually but that’s the breaks and this fact makes for more content to talk about.
If you’re one of the few who read this blog, here’s a link to the podcast on a few platforms:
anchor: https://anchor.fm/super-super-8
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6Ey6pxUnmB7Ldivt5sUXl0
They’re not too too long and I try to cut out pauses, ‘ums, ‘uh’s’ and useless ramblings. I look forward to sharing it all and growing the community and providing useful info and meaningful content with it. Hope you enjoy.