I’ve started shooting film more. No not video, I mean photos, 35mm
Why? Well, a few things. One is that I rid myself of my coveted DSLR. I think I’ve documented that incident a few years back. So there’s that fact. Another reason being I’ve lost patience for the digital image right now, or more the lack of personality and the lack of care. You can shoot 100 images in 30 seconds of the same thing and never pick the best. It loses all intrigue. But with film, you need to really pay attention to capture that image. Or even better, think and snap quickly to capture it. Film looks beautiful, it is beautiful. There are different TYPES of film. Plenty. Oddly enough, it’s coming back around, and new films are being developed and old defunct films are being resurrected, imagine that. Ektachrome which died in 2012, was brought back last year to much excitement and fanfare. I’ve yet to get my hands on a roll.