This poor kid 2

       I moved back to my mother and stepdad's place a few weeks ago. Not sure how known I made it writing here. I'm not sure how clear I have been that I had not had a bed from mid February to mid May. I was sleeping on a couch in a basement at a friend's house. I moved back wanting my own space again. A room at least. So I did. I'll explain the present situation before delving further into the past. 

           I came back today, I usually come back first before my mother or stepdad. My stepbrother was here and his girlfriend; they have a baby. He was fine until she left for her job which she recently acquired at Walmart. So he is left to take care of the baby alone, which he can not do for longer than an hour if the baby isn't sleeping. I know this because, although he's been up since 3 am (supposedly) taking care of the baby who has been crying off and on for apparently "no reason." He has not been alone with the baby since then. Perhaps most the day, because she was probably sleeping getting ready for work...which was at 4 or 5 in the afternoon. Yes right, she sleeps during the day because she works a 7 hour shift. AKA, they stay up with the baby in front of the TV to 3 or 4 in the morning, and HAVE to sleep all day. Or want to. He complained he got merely an hour of sleep. Well, perhaps if you didn't stay up all night and day. 

           When she left for work, the baby began screaming, perhaps because she left, but I feel that is not the case, and he could, and can not handle it. He does not know what to do and feels as though trying to coo him to sleep or shut up and walking him around is the only course of action. When he finds this is not working, he begins freaking out and screaming and yelling at the baby and begins to break down. His tolerance level is very very low. He will claim it's been going all day, but it hasn't. Not to the extreme or length in which he portrays or tells you. 

        I was very concerned and kept my door open and would listen to his freaking out and yelling and having a break down and it sounded as though he nearly put his hand over the baby's mouth. I don't know for sure, but he is capable of some deplorable things, especially if he's freaking out this early on in the game. He has another thing coming if he thinks this is all he can handle, it is only going to get harder, much harder. The baby kept crying and screaming, he kept freaking out, as though he would eventually stop. Finally, my mother and stepdad got back from wherever they were and the baby calmed down, i'm not sure how or why as I am upstairs, but he did. 

           We ate and I could tell my stepdad was in a mood, which he often is. More often than not I should mention. It's concerning how often he has a giant stick up his ass for petty reasons. I went back upstairs, dinner was relatively calm, although we had a slightly political talk at the table and he was being unnecessarily hostile, which I can now pick up on and avoid it altogether. Later on as I sit upstairs, 

 (I left it there as a draft and do not recall what happened, but there is a continual saga of this titled "baby" so look for that.)