
Trying to go somewhere else with this. Let's see. 

     I don't think I have it in me right now. To go to another island and write a story. There's a bee buzzing around. Not a bumble bee but not a hornet either. Some other type. I don't care to figure it out, but he keeps hanging around the spot another bee died and ants slowly tore him apart. Fun stuff.

      Perhaps I'm witnessing the full circle. Perhaps he's mourning the loss of his friend as I happen to be out here as he tries to find out where he went. A recon mission, or whatever you call it when they go to figure out where someone went. Well he's dead. Damn dead. We saw those ants take your buddy apart limb by limb for hours. No we weren't watching for hours but over the course of the day we saw the progression.

       This damn bee won't go away. 20 minutes now he keeps hanging around. I've never ever seen this. His nest is clearly not nearby and he's not trapped in a room. He's just...hanging out. I get nervous. Not from the bee itself but the noise and erratic movement. Not sure why, but it is. Only when I'm by myself though. With any kind of company it never bothers me. The "be a man!" coming out of me. It's not voluntary.