I was told over the weekend, douches wear their sunglasses in their collar. Is this true? If so, it's news to me.
I've been doing it quite frequently in the past 2 years as I have prescription sunglasses I switch out constantly, going inside to out, to in again. But I was not aware I might in fact be, a douche.
Who makes these decisions? In the same hour, I discovered the term, "lowkey." Not in the "It was kept low key." way, but in a, "I lowkey told you that!" way. It's one of these new term people are using and with that, I believe I've finally become conscious of the fact that I'm officially out of the loop on these things.
I claim non-douchery status. Well, pertaining to the glasses debacle/argument. I waive myself. I need them around for seeing purposes, not sun-blocking/UV purposes.
I may still be a douche though.