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To be clear

        To be clear, not that it's contested anywhere by anyone, but in case of such an event.

 This is a place where I can freely write my thoughts in a stream-of-consciousness sort of way. Whatever I wish. "Verbal vomiting," if you will. Will what? I hate that phrase, if you will. What the fuck does that even mean? As such, if you will, at any rate, etc. Even etc, shit. 

       I have a list of these nonsensical sentence fillers and enders, but I care not to dig them out of my phone at the moment. In any case, (another one) I wanted to be clear every once in a while it will probably seem to the newcomer that I am a bit deranged or worse, full of myself with the rants and thoughts I type down here. I forget most of what I write. As quickly as I write my thoughts, I forget them. Well, perhaps not that quickly. I don't need any notions of early dementia lurking. 

       I don't know if this post accomplished anything. I hope so. Fuck it. Fuck you.