More more film

It happened. Of course it happened.

The second order of film got messed up. A single roll turned out. 4 rolls got trashed. I think my camera battery dying had to do with it. The lens wasn’t focusing properly and I thought nothing of it at first, until the whole thing died all together. But it never told me the battery was dying., It said it was full until it kicked it, that’s the only explanation I can give it. I scored another camera free when I came back, no lens yet, but it needs a bit of work. But damn right? 4 whole rolls from Ireland. Daaaaammmnn. Thankfully the one roll that came back was a big day in our trip. So that’s the silver lining. But 2 whole days in Dublin, gone.

Actually, I’ve suppressed it and prefer not to remember. In terms of what I snapped that are now lost to time and approx 25 yr old machinery. I haven't told her yet. She’ll be devastated. I haven’t 1 because of that, 2. When I found out, she was on a major scrap booking convention with printed copies of the first 5 rolls I got back. Devastated, let’s not go any deeper into the losssssss.

That being said, the photos that did come back were incredible. I mean, Ireland did most of the work, but I bought some stocks I hadn’t used yet which I’ve mentioned here before, but more than the average 2 or 3 shots a roll came back better than expected, artistically speaking. So there’s that.