I don’t have any reason to in terms of the present, but I’m currently telling myself that it’s officially going to be “OK.” I still haven’t gotten the film back that I’ve shipped last Sunday, I believe they received it Tuesday or Wed, and then we had a few back and forth emails regarding a discrepancy in the way I submitted the payment. So there was a bit of a delay, but I thought for sure it’d be here by Friday, but no go. Now it’s 3 days later on Monday, over a week after putting it in the mail. I am nervous.
Mainly that 11 whole roles of film either didn’t turn out good, or got fucked up or something. They usually turn it around within 3 days tops. But this is a bit much. I did ask if i needed to send more money, (slide film costs an extra buck than the C-41 process) But the response I got was just an “okay cool i’ll let them know!” Nothing about my offer. So as far as I know, they’re still working on it, or holding off, or burned them up for all I know. Who really knows!
But you know what, it’s going to be okay, maaaannnnn.