Another month of not posting, another month, meaning another month of not paying for a website! Ah the freedom.
I'll touch on a few things and try to nutshell so I'm not stretching into multiple posts.
We are back in the stone age. After a month I re-associated myself with social media and opened my accounts back up, to my distress. I was doing very well. I thought I was well, so I'm not sure why I did it, but I figured I was missing out on some events and things, and came back on. It was for the best in some respects. Exit Academy has shifted into 3rd gear in June and we had a packed month. A lot of younger bands dig what we're doing. I dig most of them. They let us know what we're doing is alright. But in the past 2 weeks, I feel I've been transported back into 2007 because all these people want to friend me because they talked to me or saw us once or twice. At first it was a kind sentiment. Now it's overwhelming.
I feel when this happens I have some obligation to present myself some sort of way. But online I would like to do 1. Nothing. or 2. Fall apart publicly letting everyone know. Which isn't something an acquaintance 5, 6 or 10 years my junior needs to see. But more so, on a selfish level, I met you once, you are an acquaintance. I don't need you clogging up my feed with things I don't care about. It's not that I don't enjoy their company or care, but it stresses me out. I don't have the need for 500 friends online. It's more cumbersome than anything. I use it as a tool to keep in touch with people. I try not to live on it.
I speak to 3 people on a semi-regular basis in my life. I think about 4 and love 5. One or two of them wish not to speak to me. See where this goes? But now, as these folks find it a requirement to friend me, every person in each group, I'm in a predicament. If I don't, I'm a dick. If I do, I now need to wade through all their crap to get to what I want. I realize I can make it so I don't see as much, but now I need to work on filtering my own output so I don't offend or frighten them, ruining their made up image of me. I suppose it boils down to my mid-twenties, simplifying mentality that I don't feel the need to keep in vague-touch with someone I've seen twice for 10 minutes.
Fuck it, I'm stretching into multiple posts...