Your fucking Red Sox or Patriots or Bruins or Yankees or Fisher Cats or Spinners or Cardinals or Oriels dammit.
I. Dont. Fucking. Care. At. All.
I really don't. I don't give one flying fuck about any god forsaken sports team you wanna watch or see. I don't care if they all die in a fucking plane, bus or motorcycle crash. I don't care.
I will however go with you to the game and watch and follow along and be ABLE to follow along and enjoy myself. Because I am a true gentleman who doesn't give a fuck about sports, but can follow along enough and go out if someone else wants to go out to game for whatever the fuck reason that may be. Sure, I'll go, okay, fine.
But as an individual, I could not care less. Some people say, "I could care less." Which they MEAN to say, "I could NOT care less." But they're monkey's who simply follow the order of things and clang their cymbals together and don't really give a fat flying fuck.
I used to be part of the action man, now I'm a sheep. Not a monkey, but a sheep. i used to be on the other side of the curtain, the side everyone wanted to be a part of. Now I'm a sheep. Nothing but a lowly damn sheep. It's embarrassing. I don't belong here.
But then again, maybe I do. Baaaaaaaaa