This poor kid pt. 3

This poor kid. His parents never gave him the proper love. They have an affinity for him, a fascination perhaps, but no love. They're lives would not be affected if he were gone. Only in the way of freedom, which they could live freely outside of this house if he didn't exist. But he does. 

      I don't think I've ever heard the baby wake up ever, with them so glad he was. When he cries, they leave him there like that. They sigh, they loathe that he breathes. They have such a neutral attitude towards him that they neglect him in that way. They fight constantly over something so simple. He is a cute baby. I can't quite wrap my head around my own life to even fathom a child, but I know if I were in their position I would not be nearly as agitated. They dislike their own child, deep down. They have never truly loved that baby. They fight constantly.

             They go to bed at 1, 2, 3 am, with the baby, and wonder why he's up and down all day. He has no schedule. They care little for any type of napping/sleeping schedule to structure his, and their lives around. There is NO structure. I live in a hell hole. Not in the physical sense, in the mental and emotional sense. I want to leave. The only thing keeping me here is my room full of crap. When nobody bothers me, it's fine. I can do as I please. But if and when things explode, which they have recently, then I cannot bear to pack a bag and go. I need a bit more time. I need an hour. I don't care about the bed, but all my clothes are here, so that'll take some time. But I can't simply leave on a whim you see. 

              They take turns handing the baby off. Dumping him on each other like it's some uninvited tumor/hot potato they constantly need to be passing along. It's sad. My stepdad and mother are the only ones who regularly show him any affection and true love. But they too are fucked. This whole place is fucked. My mom is fucked, my fuck up of a stepbrother is angry at his life and LMS short tempered self is fucked, his invalid, sociopathic, dead-inside girlfriend is fucked and embarrassingly so. Like what kind of mother are you? You have it made! You work a part time job, you stay up all night, you don't pay rent, you don't pay for bills, your sole job in life is to watch a baby, feed him, change him occasionally, and making sure he doesn't hang or electrocute himself. THAT is her one true purpose in life. She can't handle it.

        "It's just so hard." Then if it's hard, you should've given that baby up long ago. But instead they use it as leverage to stay here. Imagine that? They USE their child as a tool. Nothing more. Nothing more. Everyone pities them because of the baby, and they help, until they fuck someone over of course. But if it weren't for the baby, they'd both be living in their car as they were before. Because they've fucked over everyone else multiple times. His dad and my mother are only the biggest suckers. I wish they were gone. Not only gone, but I wish the baby is taken away and they were dead. Yes. Dead. Gone from the planet. They are scum. 

                Perhaps only truly the girlfriend. Because at least I can see where my stepbrother went wrong. His life has a trajectory and dots and lines I can easily connect that lead him to where he is now. Her? She's a waste of flesh, air and space. She calls herself a mother. She uses and manipulates worse than he could ever fathom, and uses her womanhood innocence in addition to it all. She cries on cue, she screams incessantly, she puts on her facade when she needs to lie, you name it. Fucking cruel bitch allows drugs and all sorts of unforgivables near her child. What a fucking disgraceful human being. I don't have the energy to describe what happened last week. Perhaps another time.


Something happened with a payment I sent uhaul. I owe them a butt-ton. But I had to overdraft my checking as didn't have enough. Turns out I can only overdraft $200... Unless of course you count overdraft charges. In that case they can continue to charge you whatever they want, whenever they want. So I think the money came back, along with some whore's-shit  "you don't have that money charges." (yes, whore, not horse)

This poor kid 2

       I moved back to my mother and stepdad's place a few weeks ago. Not sure how known I made it writing here. I'm not sure how clear I have been that I had not had a bed from mid February to mid May. I was sleeping on a couch in a basement at a friend's house. I moved back wanting my own space again. A room at least. So I did. I'll explain the present situation before delving further into the past. 

           I came back today, I usually come back first before my mother or stepdad. My stepbrother was here and his girlfriend; they have a baby. He was fine until she left for her job which she recently acquired at Walmart. So he is left to take care of the baby alone, which he can not do for longer than an hour if the baby isn't sleeping. I know this because, although he's been up since 3 am (supposedly) taking care of the baby who has been crying off and on for apparently "no reason." He has not been alone with the baby since then. Perhaps most the day, because she was probably sleeping getting ready for work...which was at 4 or 5 in the afternoon. Yes right, she sleeps during the day because she works a 7 hour shift. AKA, they stay up with the baby in front of the TV to 3 or 4 in the morning, and HAVE to sleep all day. Or want to. He complained he got merely an hour of sleep. Well, perhaps if you didn't stay up all night and day. 

           When she left for work, the baby began screaming, perhaps because she left, but I feel that is not the case, and he could, and can not handle it. He does not know what to do and feels as though trying to coo him to sleep or shut up and walking him around is the only course of action. When he finds this is not working, he begins freaking out and screaming and yelling at the baby and begins to break down. His tolerance level is very very low. He will claim it's been going all day, but it hasn't. Not to the extreme or length in which he portrays or tells you. 

        I was very concerned and kept my door open and would listen to his freaking out and yelling and having a break down and it sounded as though he nearly put his hand over the baby's mouth. I don't know for sure, but he is capable of some deplorable things, especially if he's freaking out this early on in the game. He has another thing coming if he thinks this is all he can handle, it is only going to get harder, much harder. The baby kept crying and screaming, he kept freaking out, as though he would eventually stop. Finally, my mother and stepdad got back from wherever they were and the baby calmed down, i'm not sure how or why as I am upstairs, but he did. 

           We ate and I could tell my stepdad was in a mood, which he often is. More often than not I should mention. It's concerning how often he has a giant stick up his ass for petty reasons. I went back upstairs, dinner was relatively calm, although we had a slightly political talk at the table and he was being unnecessarily hostile, which I can now pick up on and avoid it altogether. Later on as I sit upstairs, 

 (I left it there as a draft and do not recall what happened, but there is a continual saga of this titled "baby" so look for that.)

Let's make it, ok

It's 2:07 p.m. let's make sure we save yea? What should've happened Thursday night...

- 2:09 - Thinking about this endeavor I'm about to embark on again. Also, watching Buddy Rich interviews on Carson in the 70's. 

- 2:10 - My additional stepbrother is here with his wife. Everyone. I haven't been downstairs today.

- 2:11 - Let's make it.

- 2:12 - Made. No ice, no... well, that's a problem, but done nonetheless. 

- 2:15 - watching "Johnny Carson King of Late Night." now. mixture is OK. I'll give it a 6.

- 2:20 - I haven't eaten at all today. This will be interesting.

- 2:38 - Now I'm shopping for cheap 35mm film. about 1/4 gone. 

- 3:29 - Still watching the King of Late Night. Mom came in, handed me a beer and we spoke a while. Apparently my stepdad asked about my student loans. Bastard wants in on my finances. I lied to her. i lie about everything money related. Or rather I don't say anything. 

- 4:49 - Beer had, dinner/lunch had. Well, meal for the day. Only 1 beer, back to the drink. I'm a bit over half through it. Surely another is on it's way. Dinner festivities and conversation were ok. I laughed at drinking stories. Little did they know I'm up here filling my face with the exact type of drink they're telling shit-show stories about. I abstained from telling my own stories. Keep 'em guessing.

- 4:51 - Watching more Youtube. WTF is wrong with me?

- 4:55 - Speaking of WTF, I am doing one of my favorite things as of late. I am downloading youtubes of Marc Maron's WTF podcast, to mp3, to sync onto my zune, to listen to all day at work. Excellent. 

- 5:19 - Wham Bam thank you ma'am. I'm not sure why i said that. I'm still downloading podcasts. Marc Maron may have been a jerk in his past but these things are solid gold. I haven't even listened to the new ones yet i've downloaded from the past, but god damn are they good. He's got a very special insight i'll tell ya. 

- 5:25 p.m. (the next day) - Well that was an excellent Sunday if I do say so myself. I drove my drunk off, wrote some music and came home. Thank god. Here's to another. Let's go.

Slice of life

This was supposed to be interesting. 


 I spent 3 hours documenting play by play my night as i drank, with time stamps. It was magic. True magic. I had a list going, bullet point style. I must of had 30 or 40. I closed the net without saving the post. Fuck life. I am drunk. 

       It was in the bullet points.

Fuck it all. Fuck Life, fuck it. I was so proud of it. 

The note I never wrote

That's the line of some song or something from sone artist i don't know.

      WINGS! That's it. I caved and googled it. It's amazing how many misspellings I can make (including the word misspelling) and even more amazing how many legitimate words google doesn't know, but the word "googled" is typed freely without red squiggly under it. (squiggly is now a word?) 

             It's going to sound fucked up, but writing a suicide note, or letter in my case, more like an essay or long-ass book is therapeutic. Seriously it is. I haven't even begun but merely the thought of it, and merely the thought of the reasoning behind HOW it's therapeutic is awe-inspiring. Will I off myself? Not at this very moment, I have thought about it, more so in the last few months than ever before. More in the last 6 hours than ever before. But taking a reference from a Carlin skit, one of his last specials... As an artist, they'd never kill themselves because their suicide notes would never be finished. (I'm paraphrasing) As an artist, a note would turn into an essay and then a book. I'd mull over each detail and write to everyone I've ever met in my life before I offed myself. So on that aspect, I'm safe. On the other, which is the, "fuck it all" aspect, I am not.

          So much shit, not enough rope. I sit here drinking and I am going to begin writing my suicide letter, manifesto? to sadistically, but perhaps therapeutically bring me down from the ledge I am on. As fucked as it sounds, writing it might be the best medicine for me. 

Drinking again

This weekend I fucked up. Not directly but kind of.

          Friday I caved and bought more 151. The first time in a few weeks. Since the work incident. I didn't open it Friday though. I brought it back to my room and never opened it, I went out. Saturday I didn't drink, then I went out. I had the urge to drink. But realized I didn't have the bottle with me. So I went out and bought another. I now have two, 2 dose, II that's 2 full bottles of Cruzan 151 Rum. Saturday night I got messed up some good. Not crazy. But a little. Tonight I dig into my unopened room bottle. 

       What the fuck is wrong with me? Well, a lot. I don't think i'm in the right mental state to be drinking again, as the last time i got royally fucked I was well... at work. I haven't had the hankering or urge to since really, but it's back in force now. It's not really enjoyable anymore, or at least at the moment. It's to drown pain. Which is dangerous. I get dangerous. In the artistic way. I banged out this whole post in 3 minutes to now. I posted a bunch and scheduled more on my music page. It's Sunday. I'm getting cocked on a Sunday. 

       151 eats through plastic and eats through ice like it's candy to a kid. BAM gone. My drink is back to warm again. I'm putting this in my body. I'm fucked. 

        Cruzan for a bruising. 


We're at the point now where new world war II films don't do their due diligence and do any historical research. They watch older ww2 films for their info.   


    In the past year with my increased coffee intake, more towards the end of last year to present, the more sweet junk I eat, coffee, sweets etc, the more occasionally, I feel my heart going a mile a minute. It's sporadic. Right now for instance, I sit here at subway. I've had a huge cumbies coffee, and now a sub, giant lemonade, and cookies. Zoooooommmm, my heart goes.

       Last year it got crazy. It has a few times recently too. I believe it's coffee related but perhaps more sugar related. My heart will physically give me severe palpitations to the point where I can feel it through my chest, on my chest. I usually have to lie down. My limbs get numb or cold in severe cases. Right now it's just jumpiness, slight shakes. It's got to be sugar intake. Which I must cut before I become a fat American. I must.

     But after these cookies.



Subway lady

Ordering subway, I was telling what vegetables to put on my glorious sub, and she didn't hear me. "Sorry, all I heard was onions, these ovens are so loud I can't hear!" She said, "oh no worries." I repeated. She told me to have a super day. 

       As I eat my sub, finish, hang out with my cookies and trying to do some late, spring, mid-summer cleaning " my phone, a blue haired guy walks in. She says the same thing to him. I mention his hair because he conversed with her about piercings etc. He was pouring on the chivalry. But to a disgusting level.  

   But I digress, this post was for her. The one trick pony. Anything said it off script for subway employees is always nice, but she uses that hearing line over and over again, gifting herself her own sympathy and friendliness from unknowing patrons. They all say the same thing too, "aw no worries." And they repeat themselves. What a sham.

         I wonder how many times she's used it.




Brief movie review

I saw "the Infiltrator" last night, starring Bryan Cranston. I thought I might not be able to get into it, as lately after B-Bad he's become a parody of himself. But I got into it. 

      It was very good.