Applesauce Kansas

I’m not sure what I’m doing anymore. What the hell? Does anyone? No let’s hone this in, just me.

I have no idea. No clue. I thought I did. I don’t know. I have some ideas on the horizon, whatever that means, but will they ever come to fruition? I have no drive anymore. Did I ever? I put things out with a fart. With a sigh, literally and metaphorically. That’s the feeling I believe. That’s the effort I put in. Creatively more, but advertising, it’s a peter.

I’m unhappy. Why am i so unhappy? I can’t even bring myself to finish this post. I don’t even know what this post is about. I’m not interesting, nor is anybody else. But the tricky thing, the silver lining of it all, is that while I bitch and moan right now to thin air, I’m at “work.” I just can’t wait to get out of this hell hole. I knew it wouldn’t last. What a desperate position I’ve put myself in for the previous 5 years or so, ouch.

I promise, the next one will be better. Promise!

Someone buys Pizza

They’re like Flies to fruit, or more like dog shit. They come from the farthest reaches of the mundane wall-less expanse. They smell it like rabid dogs, zombies, neglected starving hyenas to a lone zebra. Like a fat old man who sees the finest ribs after having to stand for several hours straight. No napkins, utensils or tablecloth. No wet wipes or sleeves to wipe on. Everything left on the cheeks and lips without shame or one shred of dignity. Scrounging as if without readily available resources whatsoever. As if rations were meagerly scattered from the elite to the many poor.

Someone brings in food to the office and they flock from rooms away, as if starved to death with nothing to do. As if they’ve never had food in their life.

As if deserving.

Today or tomorrow

I’ll be posting about my record, now in physical form and about my two books. I did once, but I wasn’t pushing any of it much. Now the momentum’s gone but that’s okay. I’m in some kind of transitional period and have no idea where it’ll go. Or perhaps that’s what I’m telling myself.

I’ve accomplished a hell of a lot in the last few months of 2018. But I still don’t feel validated enough for it to mean much. I’d like to sell a few, that’d be nice. Create some kind of following. I don’t know. 2019 I’ll start up the podcast. I’ll do it! I swear. Slow going. I need something else. I need an extra push. I’m still struggling and need an extra push. You know what I mean. I feel empty and unfulfilled because I’m not making money via art. None at all. I don’t need total validation in that form, just enough where I feel I’m accomplishing something, contributing something. So I don’t feel like I’m just another content mill of trash filling the vast dumpster that is the internet when it comes to artists and writers pushing horrible shit.

I was listening the radio on an hour trip a few days back. Fine, NPR, I said it. Bu they played this program and a guy was just orating a piece of fiction written by some fucking writer. Some guy. It wasn’t Carnegie Hall, but it was some kind of popular and somewhat large venue in New York. And the two stories, the second told by someone else, they were trash. The stories were about an older guy who owned a burrito shop who sold out to hipsters and advertised the “5 pound burrito” and began seeing his customers and employees as aliens, chickens, hogs and other animals. The other, about a “millennial who bought a dog.” She couldn’t afford, nor could she take care of it or even fit to take care of herself, but did it anyway. Wow. The standards are so god damn low.

It was argued that it’s all subjective. Also, the writing concise and orated by “professionals” whatever that means, in a lively manner. But at their core, they were two stories with no substance. They had arcs, a “moral to the story” but so god damn boring and certainly not deserving of being told in a public fashion at a respected theater broadcast on the radio or even recorded. What the fuck? I was even on board with the burrito story minus the guy reading it out loud, until out of nowhere he started seeing other humans as anything but. He went into detail about seeing the guy who drops his produce off as a rooster, then a hog and an alien. All of his customers. For no fucking reason. What the fuck is that. Deserving of praise in a large way? Anyone can write shit like that.

Is that what people want?

Brakin' the break

How was your Christmas? How was your New Years? Did you make a resolution?

Me neither. I hate that shit.

If you need an excuse to change something in your life then you’re doing it wrong. If you need a day to go, “Time for a fresh start ya’ll!” Then you’ll probably never get around to it and you’re only setting yourself up for failure. I don’t subscribe to nor do I know all the 12 steps, but the first is admitting you have a problem. So if you want to change something, either do it now, or create excuses as you do and don’t. It’s easier to let it go and say, “I’m not changing.” or “I can’t bring myself to change it right now.” Let it go, don’t lie to yourself, it wastes too much time.

Also, don’t judge me for not asking YOU how YOUR fucking holiday was. I didn’t do anything special, nor do I care to tell you. Don’t bait me into telling me whatever monotonous shit you did by asking me first. I am not going to ask, if I do it’s out of politeness and I am loathing every second it oozes out of my mouth. Don’t be offended, I don’t care. If you did something interesting, I’ll hear about it one way or the other I’m sure.

With that out of the way, I forget what the hell I was going to actually write about. Simply more of the same I imagine. Bitching about things that haven’t been resolved yet. Dealing with the feeling of things incomplete or not doing enough and not being able to bring myself to do any of it. No drive. I’ve scheduled my first physical in nearly 10 years for this month. Although one usually hopes nothing is found or wrong. I hope a lot of that. Something is wrong with my head and I’m not healthy. Sure I can live better, but there’s something certainly wrong. I’m hoping the obvious is discovered but perhaps more will come of it. Preferably not too much, or nothing that I can’t handle, but who knows. This appointment will be the first of many I suspect.

But I’m hoping some physical ailments and their cures help with my head. I feel cloudy and not sure where the hell it’s coming from. I started taking vitamins. What the fuck is that? Simple ones, but still what the heck. This job I have is killing me physically. It’s easy work, but still, it’s shaving small bits off my soul every day that passes, sitting in that chair, surrounded by 2 half-walls with windows, staring out across a sea of similar quarter-cubes through the giant mill building windows at the city where I live. Seeing the sun only through windows. Arriving in the overcast and leaving in it. It’s chilly and the days are short.

Surrounded by people who are either passionate about the work, or lying to themselves so hard that they genuinely believe they are. Others are biding their time. Me? I don’t know what I’m doing. I need another change. I am not making enough to support myself comfortably. I need a little extra. I am seeking side work. I would enjoy my job more if I was making enough. I’ve had more piled on with no benefit yet. There is no upward mobility nor clear avenues for growth in terms of pay. But I do need to start taking advantage of things I have at my disposal, getting my degree for free. Seeing doctors, dentists (on the to-do) and beyond. Really milking it. God forbid I leave I will never have these benefits again. Who knows.

I took a long deserved (self-imposed) break after November. I put out two books and an album and found love once again which has been certainly something creating this “fat and happy” feeling. But as simple fears go away such as eating and living and driving, others come into the fold such as projects on the back burner and life goals and the general direction of my life. I’m not doing what I want to do, but it’s a paradox, in order to realize this, I needed a job that gave me the security to do so. Before that, I was simply trying to stay alive, a day-to-day existence. So it’s a back and forth struggle. I just need more of a creative release that’s validating.

That’s all, for now.

Did you?

Think I’ve gone have you? Perhaps I have who knows.

It’s not that my brain has stopped working creatively. It’s that I’m just sad, depressed or too “busy.” Which is utter bullshit but here I am saying it.

It just happens like this. I’ll write twice, three times a day for over a year, then stop for 4 months. That’s how it goes. Recharging? Is that what we’ll call it? No one cares but myself I suppose. I disappoint myself though when I don’t put out content on a regular basis, whatever that may be. Sometimes, I don’t do a damn thing, when I should be writing. But you bet your ass I’m still bitching about things. I’m still miserable.

I compartmentalize. What I was miserable about before may be gone, but underneath it’s surface are far more issues. So they’ve reared their head. This is my life, this is how I live it. Maybe it’s only me. Maybe I do it to myself. They’re still there either way.

Changing subjects slightly, now I know why not just anyone can write a book. Anyone can write. But it’s going to be trash first off. Second, anyone can write long enough to fill a decent sized book, but does it make sense? Third and most important: Everything else. Editing, designing, FORMATTING, proofing, COVER ART, what will you put in the beginning? What do chapters look like? numbering? Will there be headers? How are you putting it out? eBooks? Audio Book? All that, PLUS the fact that most likely, it’s trash and makes no sense. All of those plus #1 and #2 being right or wrong, are why not just anyone can release a book.

The time it takes to do just one of those is painful. I’m not here claiming mine are any good, one is really just a collection of these posts mixed with short stories. But point being, because I loathed the editing and formatting and designing aspect and phase SO much, I procrastinated finishing, by writing another book. It’s not amazing or particularly long, but it’ll take a few hours to get through. Isn’t that something? Realizing something you did will take hours of someone’s life. A record, an hour of sound waves input into someone’s eardrums processed by the brain to recreate what you recorded and released. That is, if they listen all the way through.

Don’t mistaken though, my books are exactly as I wish them to be. There is nothing on the back because I wanted that, it’s minimalist. Bukowski never had a thing on the back. I idolize him. Although I didn’t do it for solely that reason. I don’t necessarily do anything to copy someone, but because that’s the way I want to do it. They’ve opened my eyes and I say, “holy shit, you can do that?” They did, and so will I. I could’ve done it like most others. But I don’t care to put a synopsis on the rear. In fact I was thinking if I do any in the future, putting reviews as they do on a lot of mass paperbacks, except reviews of something completely unrelated. Why not?

I don’t dare to re-read as for some odd reason I’m typing as if I’m orating like a proper Englishman. It’ll seem pompous later. There, you see? I used “pompous.” Whatever. But my point is that (is there ever a point?) I can do whatever I want with my art. People seem to think that there’s a formula. I’m still stuck in those ruts myself, but becoming quickly unglued. (in more ways than one) They think they need to follow all those before them in order to be successful, because that’s what they did. Fair enough. But who made the rules? Assholes like you and me who did it FIRST. Someone wrote a BOOK and now it’s the rule. Sure, we play the game and do as they do because it’s what the masses expect of us in order to be marketable. But in the end, are you happy with it? Are you truly happy with it? Or do you look at the final product and go, “Yea, if only I…” “If only we could have…”

Did you sacrifice?

Just remember, no one cares.

A lot of your coffee

I’ve drank a lot of your coffee while you’ve been away, I’m sorry. Too much. I’ll buy you more.

The thing is, if I drink enough of it, with my sweatshirt open, socks on and keep drinking it, shuffling around watching shows, it’ll always be the morning. Time stands still. So I’ve had almost all your coffee, in turn I’ve spent a lot of your money. Coffee is expensive and especially Newman’s Own. I’m delaying the day. Starting it. But as long as it’s “morning” it hasn’t yet started. I don’t have to feel bad about not doing a damn thing yet more than halfway through the day.

On the contrary, the minute I decide it should start, I’m insatiable. I can’t get out fast enough and do whatever it is I want to do. If I decide I need something or want or require or decide I want to go somewhere, I can’t get through the door and into my car or down the street fast enough.

I waltz around here now though without you and now I don’t want to leave. I don’t when you’re here either, but I do need my alone time. Now that I have it, why should I leave? My problem is, I feel bad for not leaving as well. Leave and start the day, don’t and don’t. I don’t know. It’s comfortable here. But do I think that because I don’t have to be here?

I guess it’s the coffee making me paranoid. Too much. 3, 4 cups? They’re large cups, but you know. Any who, I’ve overstayed my welcome. Here that is. Writing this I believe. I don’t know.

Come here often?

Well, here we are. At last.

I’ve been here a while, quite a while actually, depending on your take on what “a while” is of course. It’d be roughly 4 years though, almost. I wasn’t serious about this whole thing until 2 years ago though. I’m not disillusioned anyone cares hence the name. This all started as a website to blog about my student loan woes and poking fun at the horrible companies taking advantage of borrowers and a place for information. That didn’t last long, it fell off and I revamped it to simply be my little place in the world. My undeserved, pretentious little piece of the internet.

I suppose my goal though was that if anyone did or does care, the few have a single place to go and get all my stuff. Also, to build this behind the scenes unadvertised until I decide to purge it on my tiny artistic circle. But here we are, here you are.

If this is the first place or thing you’ve read here, you’re in for a real treat. Or in for some eye-opening intensity you might not be ready for or care much about. I’ve written some dark stuff in this blog, some are a bore and some entries are funny too. Other pages I’m updating on a constant basis as well. Sometimes they’re simply updates like this.

Anyway, I wrote a book. “I’m Right Here and I Want to Dance” It’s kind of a memoir of sorts. I kind of cheated with it. Most of it is blog posts in order from this very site interspersed with short stories. It’s a fairly lengthy paperweight. But to soften the blow, I only listed the interesting stories in the T.O.C. so you can flip right to those if need be. I’m not sure if anyone will read it or how it’ll be received.

As I wrote it I found it very therapeutic and fun. But as most of my creative projects go, I find the last 10% extremely difficult. So in procrastinating and going through the frustrating process of learning how to format a damn book, I wrote another book. It took about 3 days. I wrote it at work. Don’t tell.

This book is called “Excuse Me, Forgive Me, Fuck You” and it’s a novel. I think many would call it a novella, but to those people I say fuck you. A novel is anything over 40,000 words and I made damn sure to hit it. Also, I used Bukowski’s first novel “Post Office” as a gauge. It’s under 40k and still considered a novel. I’m over 40. There. It is however a small book but I’m proud of it. Not too proud, but enough as it’s a somewhat cohesive story told in short chapters. It’s a bit dirty, a bit based in truth mixed with a lot of bullshit and exaggeration. I’m not sure if there’s a point, but most of Charlie’s work didn’t seem to have one other than the constant struggle anyway. I wrote it while reading Bukowski’s “Women”. It very much influenced it. It’s in quite the same vein, minus the poor treatment and demonizing of said women. Just read it. My point is, it’s a first run. Everyone starts off this way. I’d rather get it out and openly admit it was directly influenced, than not to at all.

Also put out a new record, a long awaited (in my eyes) follow up to my second record “200: Sucha” This one’s “200: Party Killer” a lovely moniker given to me at a karaoke bar by a few guys who thought they were going to make a move on the ladies I had arrived with. In the end, I lost them anyway, but out of it came these two records. I did the first in my car, the second, I did some of it in my car. Perhaps all of it if it’d gone out in March when I wanted it to. But life gets in the way. I realized I could disappoint myself further if I waited and put out the record, both books, and this website all at once to make a “bang.” This record’s quite good, as long as you compare it to my first two albums. Do that, then, it’ll be good.

Here we are, here you are. Still? Below are links to all of it. Welcome, enjoy it. Don’t be afraid to explore. There’s quite a lot. Also, buy my shit. I need to pay for this place.

Party Killer:

I’m Right Here and I Want to Dance:

Excuse me, Forgive Me, Fuck You:

The Untucked Man

Oh love, you' have to look at yourself and really analyze. I’m told this is your curse. Finding these men.

He’s broken. He’s got 40+ years of knotted up filth crusted on him that he cannot untangle. He’s too tightly wound and refuses to unwind and cannot see the way how. But that’s no excuse to how he treats you. He doesn’t deserve you. Of course, simply saying he doesn’t deserve you, doesn’t make it any better. That is NO excuse to how someone treats another person. “I’m no good.” Without any actual reflection is complete crap. It’s shit. He is shit.

But more than that, he’s gotten too close to the sun. He’s a shell. He’s a caricature of a man, what a man should be. He’s only going through the motions and the only “real” that is seen, is when it’s bad. When he drinks, smokes, yells, ignores the problem so evidently, that you know it’s all he’s thinking about. Every empty statement, every silent bedtime, every meaningless conversation and “i love you”. Every trite piece of small talk about the weather or the game or question about where you both should have dinner that night. It’s so disgustingly obvious he’s only getting by, he’d rather act like nothing’s wrong. But in doing so, it’s a wound so deep that for the rest of time, it will never properly mend the way it should, and now it’s too far gone.

He knows it though, but constantly attempts to cover it up with emptiness. Nothing feels natural anymore. He’s had a taste of how bad it can get if he opens the top of his brain can up. With you, the best thing that’s ever happened to him, it’s the most intense he’s ever felt. But it’s also the most he’s ever had to confront his demons. Sacrifices, self improvement, reflection and understanding are required in extreme doses. He’s never had to do any of it. But now that he knows he has to, instead of trying, he resorts to child-like tendencies and lying down like a possum and playing dead. “What do you want me to say?” “Tell me how to fix it?” Are words from someone who doesn’t care, they push the blame onto you and will never fully look into and inside themselves for the answer. They will never take a stand or a word or fully convict themselves. He will never be fully open with you or himself for that matter.

He’s been exposed to opinions and books that make him realize he’s a lost cause unless he gets his shit together, and he never will until he’s confronted with the only good thing in his life, you, leaving him for good. But it’s a conundrum, a double edged shit sandwich. Because if you give him even the slightest notion you will return, he’ll never truly heal and untangle his knotted web of toddler-ness. If you never return, he’ll most likely be so devastated he’ll never bother fixing himself either. But if you do return, he’ll resort back, because he knows you WILL keep coming back.

I strongly suggest you leave. Love is a powerful yet fucked up thing. It’s certainly a cross to bear in these situations. But you have to think of yourself. You must look out for yourself above all else in this case. This is your future, your life I’m speaking of. Ask yourself, although you love him dearly, do you want to spend the rest of your life like this? Can you? He probably won’t ever change. Before you sign papers and give your whole future to him, can you stand it?

You’ve got time, he does not.

A poem

Forgive me, for I cause trouble when I am drunk, although I only cause trouble when I am drunk.

I am not a drunk, but I do drink. I am not a troublemaker, but I do cause trouble.

I do not drink all the time, but I do drink some of the time.

When I drink, I don’t always cause trouble, but when i cause trouble, it’s because I have been drinking.

Again, I am no troublemaker, but I do cause trouble from time to time.

Forgive me, for when I caused that trouble, I was drunk.

Dust me off

Perhaps this’ll be the beginning of the next book. Perhaps it won’t. Perhaps it’ll be in one far down the road. Perhaps I’m full of myself. No, that’s a fact.

It’s Sunday, October 7th, 2018. I am sitting here. I haven’t been outside yet. I woke up fairly early for a Sunday. Meaning 8ish? I think it was. I get excited to drink my usual 3 coffees. I only do so on the weekends when I’m in. I hadn’t eaten a thing until 11. I just don’t get hungry if I don’t move much. Which leads me to the unfortunate and depressing reminder that I haven’t done a damn thing today, nor did I yesterday aside from waking up in someone else’s bed.

Although I am writing now. Also, I’ve finished my 3rd Bukowski novel “Women” and started “Flimsy Little Plastic Miracles” by Ron Curie Jr. A delightful discovery. A delightful discovery because it’s a delightful read, but also, coincidentally it reads just as Bukowski writes. I can see a clear influence. It’s even more delightful because I stumbled upon this book by sheer spite.

A group of friends were speaking about it, one had discovered it and was sharing it around. It was not suggested to me at all. Although later that week I was told “You probably haven’t picked up a book in years” or something to that affect. Which was a wrong and overly judgmental statement. Warranted though, well, perhaps the reaction was warranted, not necessarily the exact words. Because it was preceded with me saying “Someday, I’ll teach you about the English language.” Which was said in complete irony. As I, with no degree whatsoever, was saying this to someone with 2 degrees, one a Masters. Although said in complete irony, I was eviscerated. My guess is that they reacted so strongly because they felt so very venerable and I struck some kind of internal, fragile chord within them. I mean, I couldn’t of said it more jokingly. It is very clear how much more of a professional they are in all things Literature. So to react so strongly I can only imagine I had poked at a tender and delicate place in their heart regarding this. Self conscious or something of the sort. Or perhaps not, I don’t know. But I’ve taken it as such.

I was a bit peeved at how wrong they were though, so I decided to order the book and read it quietly on my own. To my ever-further delight, it was a signed copy, who knew. The book cost all of $1.40 plus shipping. The chapters are very short, no quotation marks and little regard for the standards set by literature that had set those standards creating a non-existent, boring and monotonous read time and time again. There was none of that, just as Bukowski had done. One reason his writing is so interesting and enticing to read, is because he writes as you would talk. Less emphasis on the form and more on the art and style of what he was saying. You knew exactly how he was saying every word. Little descriptors. No bullshit. Currie did this as well.

Perhaps I say this because I’m still smack dab in the middle of my Buk phase, but it almost seems like a ripoff. Albeit a more intellectual ripoff and quite a more in-depth story. The one thing that intrigues, but peeves me as well, is his waste of fucking paper. Every other god damn page is a paragraph long, then on to the next page. I get it, it’s for effect. But it’s so often that it becomes annoying. You can tell he’s trying too hard with it. Maybe not trying too hard, but I don’t know. It’s frustrating. So much fucking wasted paper. All for a “different feel.” The problem is, You’d get the same deal with a damn chapter break in the middle of a page, at the end, shit anywhere. The fact that Bukowski had chapter breaks every other page or sometimes once a page, was genius. But he didn’t waste the fucking page. One chapter would be a paragraph and BAM, new chapter, right there. He didn’t set it up so you had to stare at a 75% blank piece of paper and turn it. That’s childish. That’s a waste. That’s making your book fatter than it needs to be. I looked up the word count on this thing and you can’t find it. I wonder why. It’s 340 pages and it could be 120, easy. The last 10 pages don’t even travel halfway down the fucking page. What the fuck is that?

I get it, I do it to for effect, but not every god damn chapter.

It’s a nice sized book however.

So I just found out I now have to buy a fucking $40 tie I’m going to where once. What the fuck. I NEVER have to wear ties. NEVER. If I do, it’ll be to a funeral, and this one’s pink. PINK. You can’t wear pink to anything other than another wedding. How many weddings do you think I’ll ever be attending in the next 4-5 years? Very few. How many might I wear this tie to? Fewer, if any. Ties could be so much cheaper. Moral of the story, buy online.

I made an omelet earlier. Toast with jam. Delicious. As I contemplate what to do with myself, I waste the waning autumn daylight hours pacing and wasting time figuring out what I want to do with said time. I decide to pick up a project I’ve been meaning to tackle for months now. My buddy’s brother’s hard drive died, I might be able to get the info off of it. Maybe. But I hadn’t bothered trying until now. It’s a time consuming process. So it gives me an excuse to read. I love reading, but I feel like I should be doing something more productive than sitting in the daytime you know? I do love it, but when I know nothing else can be done. There’s so much to do. So much I won’t do, so much I’m procrastinating doing. I don’t think I’ll make it outside, unfortunately. I’m sad. I shouldn’t be, but I am.

I want more coffee.

Back to yesterday morning. I woke up elsewhere. That’s right. I’m in a wonderful new relationship for the first in a long while and I am quite in love and she is as well. I’m not sure how it worked out so perfectly. She’s amazing in most ways. That is to say, she quite fits into my world as ying and yang.

She continues to surprise me with every turn, every breath, every bat of her eyelashes. She’s gorgeous. But more importantly, she’s an amazing person, more important than that, she digs me, more important than that, she accepts me and I accept her, more importantly, she’s done things for me no one has yet to this extent. She matches me on my thoughtfulness, without provocation. It’s these little things she does with ease and finesse that let me know and remind me she loves me. It’s early, but right now it’s perfect.

Every time I think to myself, “here we go, this is going to be the thing that turns her off.” She is turned on. Not in a clingy or blinded way, as new lovers are. But we talk about it, we talk about everything deeply. I talk about my fears and we go deep into the psyche behind these rationales and fears. We talk about our past experiences and things that make us who we are. I tell stories some people enjoy, others yawn from, and even more are turned off by, scared of who I might be as a person. But she eats it up. Amazed, interested, hanging on to every word through to the end of a 15 min long adventure. She holds me afterwards, amazed I’m still alive.

She can match me too, surpass me as well. She’s got stories amazing as my own. It’s an equal trade of emotion and empathy. From the camaraderie to similar interests to fears and pasts and relationships and thoughts. We get along quite well. We’re not the exact same person no, but the perfect antithesis of each other when we are not so similar. We fit. I can confidently say this.

She’s not embarrassed of me, and I am slowly showing her all of my faults and fears in the immediate and so far she’s still in. I slowly bring these things up because these are the things that previous people have left me over. Not that I’m displaying them when I say them, but because it is who I am, and shows what they might be in for. It lets them know that if certain things are deal-breakers, then here’s your chance. Lately, it’s been a good tactic, because anybody whose given me an in-person shot has quickly turned tail. I don’t blame them though, although on the flip side, they never gave me a shot at much. Fuck em.

You always hear the saying, good things will happen when you least expect it. Which is total horeshit. But in this case it happened out that way. I was spending so much of my time chasing people around online, reaching out to hundreds of women simply for a decent conversation most of the time, seeing what stuck, if at all. When all of a sudden an unassuming invite to a bar led to such a sweet romance. I had seen her around, she happened to be there. Later I found out how stupidly lucky I was. She hadn’t thought I was into her, and didn’t think I would be interested in the slightest, nor was I single. All of these feelings false and quite the same in my head as well. “What the hell would she want with someone like me?”

It turns out, she doesn’t go out very often and it was incredibly lucky I met her at all. On a whim, she decided to stay after her original reason for being there and the friends who’d invited me facilitated the non-existent relationship. They jump-started things. Thankfully so because I’m not one to throw a hail-mary. I don’t go and ask strangers out. Especially ones that work in the same building. But we hit it off after a few drinks diminished our inhibitions. Since that day, it’s been the healthiest relationship I’ve ever been a part of.

She loves to cook, and she loves to make, and imbibe a good drink or two, a match made in the heavens.

Did I mention she has Bukoski on her shelves? Yes she does.

It's been a while

I spent my last $20 on Cherry rum and lemonade. This mix tastes like shit, but at least I’m writing.

I’m watching barfly. The Bukowski film. It’s not very good, but not many films are.

I’m about 4 pages short of finishing “Women” but I can’t seem to do it. Tonight I will. But it’s only 7 p.m. There’s time.

I mentioned last year how I really struggled with selling my amp. I bought it back. Not the same one, but another AC-15. Here I am, contemplating how I’m going to make it to Friday without selling it a second time. They say lighting doesn’t strike twice, but it did for me. I bought that amp twice at a cut-rate. It might strike thrice, but there’s no telling. I’ll say it again, Bukowski sold his typer to eat, I can sell this damn thing again to eat. Maybe $400, maybe 3. Who knows. I could use it. I do use it though. Although I do have this little portable.

I’m seeing someone new and I don’t care to fuck it up. My point is that, she accepts me and my faults, or rather, the one’s she knows about. But I don’t care much to come off as someone who can’t take care of their shit. Although I am that someone. You get the idea.

This movie’s almost over. Thank christ. They made one of Factorum in ‘05 apparently. Shit’s getting real hairy at the end here though. The character’s a cartoon of a man, but you get used to him, attached.

I didn’t do much today. I’m embarrassed and ashamed and disgusted I didn’t do much of a god damned thing today. I read and wrote a bit. Maybe I’ll have a heart attack from this un-diagnosed hyperthyroidism today. It’s a thing I swear, but who knows.

I have 3 books on deck. one bought, one borrowed, one pre-ordered and delivered last week. I’m not sure what the future’s bringing. But god I think it’s good. I have to. If not, I’m not sure I can handle another heartache, another break, another mistake to “learn from”, another fucking year of it all.

If bad shit’s coming down the pike, I’m going all in and checking out.